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Carneval 2005 in Mainz

Impressions from Carneval in Mainz

Friday, Feb. 4th - in the castle of Mainz the big TV Karnevalssitzung 'Mainz bleibt Mainz, wie es singt und lacht' (Mainz remains Mainz, how it's singing and laughing) will take place. 20:15 it can be seen in the first German TV channel ARD for more than 3 hours. The photo is from the final parade of the show 2004.

Friday, 04.02.2005 Preparing ...

In the late afternoon I drove through the city with my bike gathering some impressions from the preparations ...

This is the castle in Mainz, where the splendour session (Prunksitzung) is taking place in the big hall. The parking spot is already full with the cars from broadcasting and TV.
In order to go to the castle I have just to cross the Rhine river, 7 min from my home.
We have splendid blue sky, wonderful late afternoon light on the parliament of Rheinland Pfalz. It is about 17:00 and temperature are in the range of 5-6°C.
The flag here is just in front of the parliament and replaces at the flag of the state which is usually here. Red-white-blue-yellow are the colors of Carneval. This flag of the local Carnevals Club Mainz Kastel is on the other side of the Rhine river where I live.
Lets go downtown. Flagged also the whole market square. Everything in red white blue and yellow, where you found before the flag of the town. Food stands for the parades are already installed.
Also the monument of Mr. Gutenberg, inventor of book printing and the most famous son of the town has to live with cap and bells in these days. In the background you see the big roof tower of the cathedral (called Dom).
This cap is anyway something important in Carneval, you find it everywhere ...
The 'officials' in the committees of the Carnevals clubs and societies usually wear the traditional had, also called 'Narrenkappe'.
Carneval decoration not only on places or in buildings of the town.
The image on the left shows the window of a bank. Down left is a pharmacy. They have a gard uniform on the right from the traditional Ranzengarde. The nicest window I saw today is in a Café near the Dom down right.
Gutenberg is looking down from his monument to the square in front of the theatre. There, everything is already installed for the big parade on Monday. Buses do not go anymore on this way through the city centre, but have been directed via additional stops around.
Finally it became a bit too dark for taking pictures and also pretty cool. On the way back I took this nice on from the shilouette of the Dom.
I say good bye for today, waiting for a clear bright Saturday tomorrow. I hope to bring some more impressions from 'Meenzer Fassenacht'.

If you know to speak a bit German, you may also have a look in the Internet:

Or on the Carneval page of the website of the town:

Mainzer Fastnacht